What does a divorce coach do?
What does a divorce coach do? Read this blog post to find out how a divorce coach can help you through your divorce journey.
Stuggling to move on?
How do you move on past your divorce and recover from your heartbreak? What might be holding you back in your recovery?
How to stop thinking about your ex
Are you constantly thinking about your ex? Here are some strategies to help break that difficult habit.
Living in the same house as your ex
How can you manage to live in the same house as your ex without losing your sanity?
What is it like to be told your marriage is over?
What does it feel like to be told your marriage is over? Here is my experience.
Dealing with Anger
Anger is a common emotion during a divorce. How are you dealing with it? Read for strategies to manage your anger and dealing with the real emotions underneath it.
Has your confidence been rocked since your separation? It can knock even the most confident of people if they feel a sense of failure.
Telling the Children
Are you worried about how and what to tell your children about your separation?
My Ex Met Someone New!
Has your ex found a new partner? It can stir up all sorts of feelings.
My partner had an affair!
Have you or your partner had an affair? What different types of affair are there and should you leave after an affair?
The roller coaster of a break-up
When you first go through a break-up it can feel like a rollercoaster of emotions.
Having clear boundaries is so important and even more so when you are separated from your ex.
Managing Emotions
Going through a break-up is an emotional rollercoaster. Find out how to manage those emotions better.
Supporting your children
Worrying about your children during a separation is natural and one of the most common worries. Find out how to best support them through this time.